Having to start a business is never an easy task to accomplish. Hence, as long as possible you want to make your business extravagantly stable. Having spent hundreds of thousands of dollars or more, you aim to attain success not a failure. Investing your effort and time are both expensive things to give, there are maybe times that you have to risk everything including quality time with your family, and you want all these sacrifices to get paid off.
As entrepreneurs, we long to have our GOOD business to become a better business. As this will not just enhance our profitability, self-worth and confidence, but also it will enhance further the lives of our employees.
The moment we start a business we already know that for us to become successful, we should initiate actions to achieve ongoing improvement in our business. These actions will play a vital role to attain business growth. And, believe it or not, your paramount key of inspiration will be your – COMPETITORS!
Intelligent business owners will regularly and systematically see the performance of other companies to determine relevant comparisons. Perhaps, compared to other huge companies, your business might be much smaller, but it can still benefit if you follow the lead of bigger companies.
As per having to grow your business with the help of your competitors, try to follow these steps;
1. Know What You Are Going Through
Perhaps, as with any challenges, the first step would be to understand what you are going through. Now, it would helpful if you will be able to assess every area of the business you want to evaluate.
You might have to ask questions like what processes affects performance? Many of the most common areas that need to be examined may include cost control, inventory management, human resources and IT.
2. Look Around Externally
In having to compare your business to your direct competitors, you might also find relevant data from any enterprise that operate in the same geographical area with yours or those that have a similar geographic market with your business.
There are a good number of ways in collecting all the information you need. You can use quantitative data on a standard business matter such as revenues, the cost of goods, etc. This useful information can be easily acquired from government and industry resources.
In getting qualitative data, you can consider scheduling an interview with any company representatives or by using a survey method. Rest assured that many companies will be willing to provide information.
3. Analyze the Data
You must be able to discover gaps between your company and your competitors’ companies. You can use all the differences as a possible guideline on what room in your company needs improvement. You must also remember that gaps may really have to be different as some of the gaps will just simply reflect a particular and not the general aspect of your company.
What is important is that you can use these gaps as an advantage to know things that need to be prioritized.
Example, you found out that your product cost is much higher than your competitor, then you can probably initiate necessary actions like lowering your cost by reducing some unnecessary expenses.
4. Find a Solution
The things you have found out will provide a stronger foundation for attaining further business growth. Often, they can hold actual solutions for your problems, as in some case, they can suggest areas where you can still improve.
In standing out from among your competitors, it will be imperative to try new strategies more often. When your business has been around for some time, you become more tempted to fall into patterns of doing the same way because you thought you had done that way. Seek out for change, an example in your current status on the internet, how visible are you online?