Make Better Use of Your Time With Engineering Staffing

Engineering staffing is going to take a considerable amount of time out of your workday. When you have needs within your organization for engineers, you need to place an ad, collect resumes, conduct preliminary interviews, run background checks, and make a final decision. All of this takes time and this is time that you could be spending in other areas of your business.

What if you didn’t have to place an ad, collect resumes, conduct preliminary interviews, and do everything else that is necessary to hire an engineer? What if you could simply place one phone call and have engineers in front of you by the end of the week? This could save a significant amount of time out of your workday.

You have to look at how much time you are spending on engineering staffing. If it takes you three minutes to go through each resume and you have 100 resumes in front of you, this means that you are spending at least five hours just going through resumes. You probably don’t have the time to dedicate a full five hours in one day, which means that you are reading a few resumes a day – and spending at least a week going through the resumes.

It would be easier if you could hand off the responsibility of engineering staffing to someone else. That someone else is a recruiter. A recruiting company can specialize in engineering to ensure that do not have to go over every little detail of a job description with them. You simply tell them what position you are looking for, what kinds of skills you want an engineer to have, and what you are willing to pay for that position. The recruiter will then place the ads, collect the resumes, and conduct all of the preliminary interviews. Upon your say, they will even run background checks. This means that the only thing that you have to do is make a final decision.

If you are not responsible for engineering staffing, you can free up at least five hours a week. Think about all of the other things that you could be doing within your office during that time. You may be able to conduct more training for your employees, create an employee reward program, complete six-month and one year reviews on employees, and much more.

No one said that HR would be simple. You will spend a bulk of your workday completing the same things over and over again – just with different groups of people. Each time that an engineer leaves, you have the same problem – you need to fill the position as quickly as possible. Instead of going back to the drawing board for engineering staffing, you can place a single call to a recruiter and let them do the work for you.

Engineering staffing is time-consuming. There is no way around it. The only way for you to free up time is by letting someone else, someone who recruits full-time, do all of the work for you.

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