The Environmental Benefits of Forestry Investments

Among the many advantages of investing in forests are the environmental benefits of forestry investments. Forests provide wood and timber for construction. The use of these products in building makes for a greener building environment. Many advocates of a greener environment claim that the use of wood should be increased in building and energy design.

There are many other substantial environmental benefits of forestry investments. Using more wood and timber for construction and other purposes is an incentive for private landowners to maintain those lands on which their forests reside. Also, for others to consider purchasing forests for the derivation of income and to hedge inflation. The maintenance of these forests also requires personnel. That makes them great source of employment for those in the more rural parts of any country.

Investments in forests can have advantages for both the forests themselves as well as for their resulting products. Forests that are sustained and maintained on a regular basis produce trees that are stronger and healthier. The trees can actually take in the carbon and greenhouse gases in order to clean the air and purify drinking water that is consumed by the wildlife in the forests and in the general population. The wood products that are made possible by the harvested trees can also be very valuable in green building construction that also benefits the environment by using less energy or alternative energy sources.

There have been several studies regarding the environmental benefits of forestry investments and the use of wood and timber in green building construction. They all point out that the harvesting, transporting and manufacturing of wood and its subsequent use in paneling products and other building materials produces fewer carbon emissions and greenhouse gases than the extraction, manufacture and use of other materials that are commonly used in building and construction.

There are other environmental benefits of forestry investments that go beyond providing cleaner air and cleaner water. Investing in forests can become an essential part of the infrastructure of any nation by providing jobs and a source of capital investment. With the variability in the financial gains that can come from investing in stocks, bonds, gold and other assets, investments in forests can provide income over a long period of time with annual harvesting and a record of increasing in value over the last century.

By advancing research in the use of wood in green building construction, there are even greater environmental benefits of forestry investments that can be attained. Several new products have been the result of research that has helped to reduce costs in the maintenance of forests. One of these is cross laminated timber. This technology uses trees with small diameters and low value and trees that have been killed by insects and disease to be combined with solid wood and manufactured into structural panels. Such technologies reduce the costs for treating forests that are in need of ecological restoration and can subsequently increase profits.

Investing in forests has benefits that are not only good for the environment and the person investing in them but for the overall economy and general infra-structure of any nation.

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