Types of Digital Printing

Businesses throughout the world use reputable print shops to manage their digital printing for them. This type of service has increased in popularity due to the fast turnaround times it provides.

Unlike years ago, when a company required brochure printing, it would take weeks. The reason it was a drawn out process, is the image would be turned into a plate. Printing was an expensive exercise.

Today companies can design their own brochures and then email the file to their print shop. The print shop takes the graphic straight from the computer and the print job begins, it is that easy.

The advantage to digital printing is the price. It saves companies thousands each and every year, compared to what they would have paid a number of years ago.

There are various different types of jobs that can be completed using this method. Because of the fast turnaround times, this type of service is ideal for smaller runs. Larger runs still benefit from an offset printer.

The most common reason companies choose digital printing is for their printed materials. Business cards can be printed within hours in some cases, ideal if you have forgotten to order cards and you’re heading out to clients tomorrow. As everyone knows you need a professional business card, no matter what business you are in.

A business card is something many people don’t throw away. It should be clear and to the point offering the relevant information needed by a customer. All business cards should include your name, position, company name and contact information. This makes it easier when customers want to contact you whether to ask a question or place an order.

Another top choice is brochures. Most companies will use brochures at some stage, whether it is to promote all the products they have available or to promote their latest products. Brochures should be professionally designed and include all the relevant contact information.

Brochures can be digitally printed in a short space of time for smaller volumes. The colour choices should be bright and captivating. The brochure should offer a host of relevant information and ensure that your customer gets everything they need from reading through what you have handed to them.

Companies use brochures to give insight about their company and what they do. They also use them for various products, to offer a host of services they provide and so much more.

Leaflets and flyers are another popular choice when it comes to digital printing. Because the print shops can take the print directly from what is provided by their customers, there is no risk that the final job will not meet their expectations.

Companies around the world still use leaflets and flyers throughout the day in business. Whether it’s throwing a leaflet in with a delivery that is going out, giving the customers insight into some of the other products they have on offer or whether they have a company that delivers flyers in certain targeted areas.

Again leaflets and flyers should be brightly coloured, to the point and offer all the contact information needed. This enables customers to see what you do and pick up the phone or go online if the material supplied is of interest to them.

Letterheads, compliment slips and envelopes are other items that can be completed in a fast turnaround time. For businesses this is very beneficial, especially if they haven’t ordered letterheads and are running out in a hurry.

One of the biggest advantages of this type of service for the print company is that there is no wastage. The print is taken directly from the computer and printed one at a time, quickly and effectively, reducing the risk of wastage and enabling the print shop to keep their prices competitive.

Data Colour Online offers design and print services in Australia. The company has over twenty year’s experience in the industry and they offer a knowledgeable, personal and professional service to all their customers. Data Colour Online uses only the latest technology and printers, ensuring that each job is completed to the highest standard.

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