If you are heading anywhere on holiday soon you’ll undoubtedly be thinking about booking appropriate insurance cover – perhaps annual travel insurance for example if you’re planning more than one trip a year. Before you do so, you should make sure you bear these three following things in mind.
It’s not expensive
A lot of people forgo getting annual travel insurance because they think it will be costly. However you might be surprised at just how cheap it can be, providing you shop around for the best deal. Luckily, the internet makes it easy to do this so, you can always be sure of getting an affordable deal if you put the effort in and read the fine print. Don’t always assume you will be paying a small fortune annual travel insurance – you might be pleasantly surprised.
Make sure you know if you’re doing anything unusual
Many holidays are straightforward to get cover for, however bear in mind the average policy won’t cover your spontaneous decision to go white water rafting (for example). You can book an additional policy with just a short amount of notice if you suddenly decide to do something extreme, but the best bet is to think about anything like this before you go away. You can then ensure you do one of two things: either get the sport or activity covered in your main policy, or take out a separate one to cover the specific activity you want to do.
Are you going to make the most of being insured all year round?
For some people the idea of booking annual travel insurance is a no brainer. They know they will be travelling on several occasions throughout the year and can therefore get a great deal if they book one policy to cover the entire twelve month period.
If you think you’ll be travelling on more than one occasion in the coming months it makes sense to get one annual travel insurance policy to cover them all. In fact some people find that once they have the annual cover, they automatically consider travelling more often. Maybe you could book that long weekend away you’ve been meaning to go on for a while? Perhaps there are some other destinations you have wanted to try out that you haven’t yet been to. This is the ideal opportunity to really make the most of a yearly policy, because once you have paid for one year you don’t have to pay again until the policy expires.