Rapid Response Cleanup

When chemicals or fuel spills become involved in an accident on the industrial scale, what began as a simpler calamity has the potential for sheer disaster. Unfortunately, the incidents themselves may be unavoidable in some circumstances. Remember Hurricanes Katrina and Rita? It took years for federal and state officials to assess the damage an estimated 11 million gallons of oil spilled during those freak storms might have caused to the environment. To this day, some of the effects are still being anticipated, still being evaluated.

Fires happen. Storms and other acts of God can only be prepared for to such a degree. The fact is: things go wrong. That is why planning and response are as critical to combating the effects of those moments as the actual preparation to prevent them.

Yet the response is in and of itself a challenge. Chemical and fuel spills make for a rather chaotic time for everyone involved. State and federal agencies necessarily become involved, adding another layer to the response from a company already reeling. Factor in community pressure and (understandable) worry, press coverage-it can all coalesce into a massive strain, pulling thoughts, energy, and an already chaotic situation in a hundred different directions. Factor in all the legal necessities involved in a proper response effort and it could be enough to break the unwary.

There are many ways to counter these realities, but among the most logical is to have a dedicated team on standby for those critical early hours. The logistical and regulatory burdens put on such situations are complex and often overwhelming; an experienced team that makes it their life’s mission has an advantage in tackling such intricacies. Often, that means going beyond the boundaries of one’s own company, of course. Yet in the long term, that might be the most beneficial route.

The fact is: every company has its dedications. Step outside the boundaries of that knowledge and things can take a turn for unfriendly territory quick. A company dedicated to emergency response, compliance and the liabilities involved can save those in need not just time, but money as well.

This is because any response company team worth its salt has experience at its back, with the training to match-the ability to identify, evaluate, reduce and eliminate excessive or downright unnecessary expenditures. They know exactly what is needed for a given situation, and will likely have a network of response teams on site and in the office ready to tackle individual issues.

With every step one takes, liability and exposure to the incident will either increase or decrease. There’s no way around that. Run in half-cocked, and the problems can quickly increase. Think it through, respond with the proper planning and execution, and have the asset of a knowledgeable team at one’s back, and everyone will benefit in the long run.

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