There are some very interesting antitrust laws on our books that protect certain industries from dealing with such obtuse and onerous regulations. Some believe that healthcare insurance companies are totally exempt from antitrust rules and regulations. Whereas, there was some legislation some 70-years ago, it hardly protects insurance companies today, from antitrust regulations.
Meanwhile, it appears that insurance companies need the antitrust laws enforced on the United States government, which feels it can come in and take over private enterprise like this. It is interesting that the United States government feels itself is not subject to antitrust laws as it nationalizes all of the largest money producing industries in the US.
For those that don’t think that socialism is on the march, or that this Congress and administration are not socialist leaning in their legislation and focus, I’d like to say to them; you must be wearing blinders. Further, on this topic of insurance companies and exemptions from antitrust laws I’d like to say;
For those who think that insurance companies are exempt from our antitrust laws, obviously they do not recall Elliot Spitzer’s shake-down of the industry, ousting Hank Greenberg, which by the way led to the new CEO allowing their London Office to get into trouble insuring credit default swaps and mortgage bundles.
In fact, the world global economic crash may not have occurred had the prostitute hiring Elliot Spitzer had not used his authority to shake-down AIG. Think about it, and why not do some research; why not go read DiLorenzo’s book on “How Capitalism Saved America” or the Business Side of “Government by Smoot.” Why not read some of Milton Friedman, and Ludwig van Misses too.
The reality is our antitrust laws in the United States have always been used in a way that is against capitalism, rather than for what is right. Other nations are now following suit, and using antitrust regulations to help their state owned companies compete against free enterprise companies. This is a terrible slippery slope that we have created, and we will be very sorry in the future. I am not pleased.
Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes we need a reality check before nationalizing anymore industries.