Human rights are rights that every human being should enjoy regardless of the nationality, ethnic origin, sex, language, religion or color. It’s the right of every human being to enjoy the rights without any form of discrimination.
Characteristics of Human Rights
Human rights have a number of characteristics which include:
Essential and necessary: the rights ensure that every person has moral, social, physical and spiritual welfare. The rights also provide suitable conditions for moral and material up-lifting of the people in the society.
Irrevocable: there’s no one who can take away the rights from you. This is because the rights originate with the social nature of man. The rights belong to you since you are a human being.
Universal: the rights don’t belong to a privileged class of people. As long as you are a human being you have every right to enjoy them.
Dynamic: the rights change with the changes in the society. For example, it has now become necessary for all people suffering with physical difficulties to be provided with well equipped schools. This wasn’t the case a few decades ago. Since the rights change with time, they ensure that they include everyone in the society.
Important Landmarks in the Development of Human Rights
It’s good to note that the rights didn’t come on a silver platter-people had to work for them. Here are some of the important landmarks in the progress of the rights:
Magna Carta, 1215: also known as the Great Charter of 1215, this is the most important constitutional document in the history of human kind. The document has 63 clauses that give the rights of citizens. The clauses also protect the barons from unjust taxes. The King granted the charter after the barons refused to pay heavy taxes.
The English bill of rights, 1689: it was enacted on December 16, 1689 by the British parliament and it had a number of great features. For example, it codified the customary laws. It also clarified the rights and liberties of the citizens. This bill was also the foundation of the English constitution.
The UN Charter, 1945: this charter contains provisions for the protection and promotion of human rights. The most significant part of the charter is that it’s in it that the term “human rights” was used for the first time.
This is what you need to know about human rights. Remember that there are many organizations that advocate for the rights; therefore, if you have any complaint you shouldn’t hesitate to contact the relevant organization.