As you age, it becomes apparent that you are not able to do things as you could when you were younger. For that reason, there are senior living options that you should begin to consider. It is best to look at your choices before you are unable to make the choice for yourself. What should you look for, though, and what questions should you ask before feeling comfortable with a senior living option in your area.
1. What kind of assistance is provided?
It is important to know exactly what is offered at any senior living facility that you are considering. You want to know if you will receive help with everyday chores such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Even if you do not need the help now, it is possible that you will need it in the future.
2. What do the fees include?
Every facility has a different way of doing things financially. When you hear a price, you should investigate exactly what that price includes. Some facilities offer a package deal where everything is included in their price, while others start with a base price and then add-on, as services are required. Find out exactly what to expect, financially.
3. Are the current residents happy?
You want to move into a place that others enjoy. While you tour different senior living facilities, talk with residents if you can and try to get a feel for the attitude. You may even consider joining the facilities for dinner and chatting with the guests and staff to find out a little more about the place and how the residents and staff feel about it.
4. Is the facility near your most visited locations?
It can be a hassle to be too far from places that you go on a regular basis. You want to make sure that the senior living option that you are seriously considering is close to your family, your doctor, and other places you visit often.
5. Are there recreational activities?
If you want to socialize, it is important to find out if the facility plans time for this. Do they offer game night or movie night? Do they schedule days to go shopping or to the beauty shop? Find out what kind of social activities the facilities offer and how often they offer them.
6. What kind of training does the staff receive?
When someone is there to help take care of you, it is important that they know what they are doing. Talk with the director and find out exactly what kind of training is required of the staff and how often they are required to do special training.
You should consider quite a few things before moving into a senior care facility. Find out the answers to these questions and, with the information that you have gained, you should be able to make the decision that is right for you