Can I Purchase Life Insurance Without Using a Broker?

A couple of my friends have purchased life insurance without using a broker. Doesn’t that seem a bit risky? Who answers the questions most people have about what insurance to buy and how it all works?

I will be quitting my job this year. My husband, Bob, and I have decided to start our family now. We make pretty good money between us and have a nice amount in savings and don’t want to wait any longer to have kids. I know once I stop working it will make a big difference financially. I make almost as much as he does. We have figured out a budget that fits his income and that we figure we can live off of with no complaints. Besides, neither of us wants to wait any longer to take the plunge with having children. He is almost 30 and if we have 3 children and space them out be a couple of years each, he will be 55 or older when the youngest is in college. Somehow when Bob and I first decided to get married we both figured we would be in our late 40s when our kids were grown up. I guess we didn’t give it that much thought at the time but that early thought stuck in my mind until I started thinking seriously about kids a couple of years ago.

So anyway, in the last ten years the internet has taken on such a big role in life that certain roles paid by people have been replaced by the computer and the web. The role of the life insurance broker seems to have been one such change. The information gathering all starts with getting life insurance quotes, and in particular term life insurance quotes because friends have assured me that term insurance rates are much less than whole life insurance rates. So I am off on to my big plunge into taking financial responsibility for the family I will raise one day soon.

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