Five Key Habits for Better Organisation

In a busy project environment it can start to feel like we spend almost as long trying to get organised as we do actually getting into the work. If you spend more time looking for things, making a list or trying to remember what you had to do, here are five key habits to make your days more successful and productive.

1. Have three things to achieve each day

It can be tempting to list everything that needs doing today, tomorrow and even for the rest of the week on a mega to do list. However, this is only a tool for demotivation and will make you spread yourself so thinly that you make very little impact on any one goal. Set yourself three key targets for work each day and give yourself a big pat on the back when you get them all done.

2. Focus on core competencies

As a project manager, this means not only focussing on your own skill set but encouraging your team members to do so too. If you aren’t a great graphic designer, then don’t waste half a day fiddling with a flyer. Either delegate to someone else or just do a good enough job in order to move on.

3. Make the most of your sweet spot

Most people have a particular time of the day when they are at their best. Learn when your energy and focus is at its strongest and use that block of the day to complete tough tasks. Things like writing proposals, nurturing clients or getting creative will all flow better if you work to your strongest time of the day.

4. Learn your organisational style

Do you like to save or spend? Do you hoard or declutter? Are you a creative or a logician? Whatever you own individual preferences are will determine what and how you should organise your life. Right brainers tend to be more creative, focusing on the bigger picture and approaching each day in a fairly ad-hoc fashion. Left brainers like planning, liner problem solving and are the list makers among us. Learn what works for you and use this knowledge to your advantage.

5. Tidy up!

If your desk looks like an explosion in a paper factory, take a bit of time to tidy up and organise. Make a place for everything you need to keep, whether its invoices, project plans or your elusive pen. Having a place for everything and everything in its place will not only help you feel more motivated to work well, it will also reduce the amount of waste time you spend rifling through the mess in order to find something.

As a project manager, getting organised is not always about labelling everything, alphabetising documents or spending copious amounts of time filing. Once you find a system that works for you it will be easy to work to it naturally and without intruding on your productive hours aiming for project success. Don’t forget to take breaks from time to time too so that you can stay fresh and motivated for work; also consider getting your skills up to date or gaining an extra qualification with a relevant project management course.

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