Do you have lots of sunny days uninterrupted by clouds and rain? You may be in the market for solar installation. These amazing panels can reduce your energy costs to as much as $0. In fact, you may be able to generate some passive income. Besides, when it comes to preserving the environment, natural avenues of generating energy are much better. So, why should you consider this drastic move?
1. Save Money on Your Electric Bill
Whether you decide to install one panel or many, you’ll see immediate savings on your utility bills. Sure, you’ll need to fork out some money to get the panels installed, but once they are functioning, you’ll quickly make up the difference in electricity savings.
One of the major advantages to this technology is its modular aspect. You can install as many or as few panels as you choose. Keep in mind that with a large enough solar installation, you could pay virtually nothing on your utility bill.
As we look toward a future of increasingly expensive utilities, installing these panels makes even more sense. While the rest of the nation is budgeting for higher utility costs, you can enjoy a consistently low bill each month.
2. Extra Passive Income
If you have more panels than you need and plenty of sunshine, you may be able to get cash or energy credits from your local utility company. So, during the summer, you can actually accumulate credits that can count toward any charges you may have to pay during the less sunny winters.
Credits for solar installation are slowly becoming popular in more and more states. You’ll have to check with your local utility company to see if they offer something like this.
3. Increase in Your Property Value
Since it saves so much money on monthly energy bills, installing solar panels can be one of the best ways to increase your property value. In fact, a $500,000 property can increase its value by up to $20,000 or more – all thanks to using the sun’s rays for energy. This is even more amazing when you think that you could be eliminating energy costs plus increase your home’s resale value by tens of thousands of dollars!
However, there may be one more advantage that may top all of these:
4. Caring for the Environment
In addition to saving money on your electric bill and increasing your property value, you can rest assured that solar installation will have a significant effect on the environment. As more and more businesses and individuals begin to rely on the sun’s rays for energy, fossil fuels will be used less and less – creating many advantages:
– Cleaner air, water and soil which in turn increases health
– Reduction of important fuel, which leads to greater energy security
– Creation of green jobs which helps create a stronger economy
As you can see, you won’t be the only one to benefit from solar installation. You’ll impact your community and others all over the nation when you choose to install solar panels for energy!