Home Owners Insurance Cover Plumbing Problems?

This caution is for any homeowner who has questions about calling their insurance carrier when things go wrong around the house especially plumbing or heating issues. Beware when calling your insurer for coverages involving plumbing or heating issues. If you ASK about the coverage for a present problem you might as well submit the claim because all your info will be reported to the CLUE info bank anyway. That’s right – just calling and inquiring about damage or a problem is trouble for you, should you decide later to switch insurance companies or even your own company could drop you as they now see you as a potential trouble policy holder.

It’s best to read your policy yourself first, then decide whether to pursue the claim. Read the fine print and all the clauses and exceptions. Some companies cover everything…some cover only parts or labor or detection. But what about debris removal and code updating?

Remember the contract you have to get the work done with your plumber is NOT a contract with the plumber and the insurance company. The insurance adjuster will ALWAYS try to cut the claim payout anyway they can. Best way around their antics is to have the work done. Pay the plumber. THEN submit your claim. They are bound by the contract you have with them to pay your plumber’s bill whatever the charge.

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