How To Turn Your Coaching Expertise From “Meh” To “YEAH!” and Get More Clients

Your People + Their Problems + Your Super Power = Your Sweet Spot

Some business coaches would “ding” your “sweet spot” if it’s not something people want to pay to solve yesterday at first glance, and advise you to (or make you) “find something else”.

What if it doesn’t have to be that way? What if there is a way to show your peeps why they need your service yesterday without it initially being apparent to them? What if you CAN share your gift and wisdom your way without diluting your message or changing the way you work?

Yep you can, with Smart Positioning + Educational Marketing

Your genius may lie in helping people with those deep stuff – this is very common for coaches who work with personal development. Instead of “selling” the thing you help people with (e.g. “self-acceptance”), find out what perceivable pains/problems this “thing” (or lack of) causes your peeps. (The problems caused by this “thing” is something that they experience frequently, have perceivable impact on their lives and are will to pay to have it solved – e.g. hating who they see in the mirror <emotional> and spending a lot of money on “retail therapy” <financial> because they don’t like how they look in their clothes.)

After you attract your peeps into reading your materials or listening to your presentation by relating you to what is top of their mind, now you can EDUCATE them on why they need that deeper stuff you actually “sell.”

One way is to start with a “general” topic that many people can relate to – including your ideal clients. Brainstorm a few “sexy” results that can be achieved through working with you – ones that your ideal clients can grasp easily, and want to have the problem solved yesterday. A problem that is common and easily understood. A problem that your clients can get resolved by working with you.

But there is nothing “general” about the rest – the content and marketing message are carefully orchestrated to attract your ideal clients and lead them into understanding what you provide is the solution.

Your marketing copy would speak directly to your ideal clients – that selected few things they care about most and want most… even if your service delivers 99 other results. If you want to attract a specific type of people, you can speak their “language” – e.g. If you only want to work with “spiritually inclined people who understand the benefits of xyz” then your copy can use wordings that these “spiritually inclined people” would use, and you can go deeper into talking about that xyz assuming some kind of basic knowledge. People who are not in (nor have interest in becoming) this group will self-select themselves out of your world so you won’t be wasting your time and energy catering to them.

After you get the butts in seats or people dialed into your call, you are not done! Now you need appealing content that connects and educates so you peeps will understand how you can help them.

Your audience being physically present doesn’t mean they will pay attention for the entire time that you deliver your content. Here is how you can structure the presentation of your content – whether it is an in-person workshop/talk, a teleseminar/webinar or a blog post:

  • Tell them why they have to listen up by telling them that you are going to give them solution to their pains and position YOUR CONTENT as relevant to them.
  • Make YOURSELF relevant to them and build an emotional connection by sharing something about you (more on that in the next chapter).
  • Educate them on why your expertise can solve the practical, day-to-day problems they are experiencing and seeking solution for.
  • If you go into ideas and topics that are more abstract and “out there”, make sure to bring it back to Earth by grounding the concepts with some practical steps your audience can take to experience transformation. Once they see the connection and understand that the results are attainable, they are more likely to further engage with you and willing to try out your super power.
  • Of course, don’t forget to offer them a next step (e.g. a discovery session, or an information product) they can take with you.

Ling Wong, Business Artist and Chief Freedom Fighter at Slideberry ( ), provides Business Soulwork + Marketing Activation for Coaches and Done-For-You Content and Marketing Materials for Health & Wellness Practitioners.

Ling helps her clients supercharge their actions not only through practical strategies and marketing tools, but also through their growth and development – so they not only grow their business, but also LET THEIR BUSINESS GROW THEM. Through her “left brain meets right brain” approach, she helps her clients uncover their truth and tap into their intuition, then ground those light bulb moments with practical strategies and marketing tactics to build a profitable and sustainable coaching business that is a full expression of themselves.

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