Income and Savings Boosting Tips

A national survey shows about 36% of workers have less than $1,000 in savings and investments that could be used for retirement.

Let me share some ways to practically boost income and savings.

Save 10% to 15% of your annual income

If you treat savings like paying a bill and have it automatically deducted, it is easier than you think. You’ll develop a habit of saving money and learn to live on what is left.

Improve credit to save money and increase options

Bad credit is very expensive whether you’re paying higher interests on automobiles and credit cards or higher insurance rates. Increasingly, employers are looking at credit and blemishes and this could keep you from getting the job or raise that you want, or need or deserve after years of service.

Look for creative ways to boost your income

If cash flow is tight, leaving little to save, consider increasing your income.

For example, you could take on a part time job, or pay off debt and have more disposable income. You could take on an affiliate role and get paid a portion of what someone else is marketing such as an ebook.

Like to go garage saling? Do some research. I’m sure there’s a phone app for appraising things while on the go. Pick up some items and resell them on CraigsList or eBay. This could create a nice little added income stream. Take on an occasional side job in your area of expertise. My husband does this. He has a 40 hour per week job working as a carpenter and handyman. When someone wants or needs some work done on their home or office, he’ll take a Saturday or a few hours during the week and get the job done. He makes very good money doing this.

EVERYBODY should take a hard look at their budget and see where perhaps something could be shaved. If you’re a woman, you could forego having your nails done or color your hair yourself at home instead of going to the salon. Or, because meat is so expensive at the grocery store, plan on one or two meals a week that are meatless. Keep your thermostat in a set spot (68 degrees). This might mean having to put on a sweater during the winter or open windows and wear less clothing in the summer. There are many ways to shave and save.

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