Continuity used to be called “till forbid,” which meant you charge somebody’s credit card every month until they forbid you to do it, or until they ask you to stop. Now, we call that same process continuity or sometimes, we refer to it as a membership program.
Some people think continuity is dead.
What’s real is not enough people understand the power of continuity. Continuity doesn’t have to be a big ticket item. It could be a program that charges ten dollars a month, or twenty dollars a month, or it could be fifty or one hundred dollars a month, or more.
What do you know about that you could turn into videos, articles, audios, interviews, or blog posts? Do you already have chapters out of books you’ve written?
Think about reusing and repurposing what you already have, even if you’re brand new. (If you’re brand new this is a great way to develop content).
Content is king or queen, and you need good, quality content. A great way to do that is with a continuity program.
It doesn’t matter if you’re an interior designer, an information marketer, a pet sitter, a plumber, or if you own a sandwich shop, you can use continuity. It’s about giving people information on a regularly scheduled time frame about a particular topic or range of topics.
For example, people who have dogs want to know everything about their breed. They’re willing to pay for it, if they know they can go to one place and get it, even if it’s ten bucks a month.
A person who offers their services to other businesses will find that business owners tend to be willing to pay more because they’re going to make money from the information they receive from you.
You want to put something together and provide valuable information where people can come invest some money with you every month to get it. It doesn’t even have to make people money. It could be parenting information, information on building something, or it could be educational information. It could be almost anything.
There are plenty of continuity programs you can go look at for models. Any “something-of-the-month” club is continuity – a fruit of the month, wine of the month, or anything someone sends that you’re getting over and over again.
If you subscribe to a magazine that’s a continuity program, not in that you’re paying every month, but they’re sending you something every month. If you get a newsletter through an association membership or something like that, that’s continuity. Continuity is a great income source.