Italy to hold a Series of Meetings over Dark Web Crimes

Italy to hold a Series of Meetings over Dark Web Crimes

Three consecutive meetings are scheduled in Genoa, an ancient port city in Italy. The gracious venue for the meetings, which are of high caliber in relation to matters of the online space, will be the Salone Orientamenti. The aim of these planned sessions and the reason for which they were instigated is to bring to the table a meaningful discussion on the recent happenings on the web. During the meetings, the organizers aim to highlight some key points such as anonymity in the dark web, digital currencies and their harmful undertakings in the web, and new emerging ways of communicating and the burden on the creative industry in Italy as a result of the misuse of the internet.

These meetings will run from Tuesday to Thursday, from the 13th to the 15th of November 2018. The feature theme is the latest creations of the internet, especially involving the dark web crimes. These include involvement with drugs, weapons, counterfeits, money laundering, child pornography, and cybercrimes. The secrets will be brought to light, discussed, and ways of controlling the illegalities examined, while harnessing their effect on the creative world in Italy. The following is the program of how the sessions will be run:

Day One: Tuesday 13th November

On Tuesday, the 13th of November, the first day of the seminar will be held at the Sala Marin at 5pm. The main theme concerns the dark side of the internet. It also touches on matters of where the internet is headed, based on future prospects and on hacking and issues of the dark web. While the ‘normal’ web is common and well known to many people, its dark counterpart is the reason for this discussion. There are a number of issues with the dark web, to including the dynamic challenges that have come up from its inception and its continued growth and the immense opportunities it offers as well. Dark web anonymity information will also be discussed which will be used to come up with regulation and policies. The speaker who will facilitate this session is Arturo di Corinto. He is a professor at a university doubling also as a journalist.

Day Two: Wednesday 14th November

The following day, Wednesday, the 14th of November, Sala Zerifo will host the discussion. Starting at half past 9am, the participating parties will delve deeper into the issues by discussing how hatred is perpetuated via the dark web. This topic involves matters such as cyberbullying and cybercrimes that have become prominent in the latter days from data breaches to the sale of identity on the dark web. The country is looking forward to controlling cybercrimes at whatever cost.

Mark Zuckerberg made a captivating statement in relation to the spreading of hate and vice over the internet. The founder of Facebook said that things written over the internet are hard to erase. He compared that to writing using a pen instead of pencil. True, as odd as it may sound, dark web cyberbullying has led to devastating effects, especially on young boys and girls. Moreover, there is the matter of videos and uncensored information freely exchanging hands. Child pornography propagated on the dark web is also expected to be discussed. Other times, it is the instigation to perform acts that harm others that is spread around. There are two speakers scheduled for this session. One is Arturo di Corinto, the professor and journalist. The other is a rapper named Young Slash.

Day Three: Thursday 15th November

The final day of the meetings, Thursday, will kick off at 9am. In this culminating session of the entire series of meetings, the hot issue of art work in Italy will be on the table for deliberation. The question being asked is what does one do? Across all Europe, countries have embraced artists and their work. They have given them space to express themselves and have treated them with respect and honor. It is not so with Italy. It appears that a certain kind of oppression is their lot. Even more, artists are not listed among the recognized professions. While this field of the creative industry could bring outstanding advantages like creating employment, it remains neglected. If the numerous talents are to be put into use, to be allowed to flourish in an atmosphere of professionalism, there should be a diversity of culture which is in itself very beautiful. For the final day of the three day event, there will be two speakers again; the first is a poet and an enthusiast of culture and its operations – Claudio Pozzani. The next is involved in the creative industry as an actor and is a teacher as well as a tour guide.

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