Can you feel it? Spring. It’s almost here. For agents and brokers, that means one thing: listing season. Sure, this winter was a tough one for much of the country, and many folks put off listing their homes. Now that the weather is looking up, sellers are finally ready to sell.
And I bet you’re ready to list more homes than you did in 2013.
So let’s get started. I believe the old saying that says the agent who has the most listings owns the market. Remember the acronym L.I.S.T. and you’ll be off to great start for this listing season.
L – Love understanding sellers’ problems and motivations. The more you love this, the better chance you’ll have of listing their homes. People don’t want to be sold — they want their problem solved. It’s like the old saying, “People don’t want a drill, they want a hole.” Your prospects have a home that needs to be sold. Plain and simple. The more you understand everything you can about that problem, the better you’ll be at solving it. Ask lots of questions and listen intently. People love to talk about themselves (and yes, their problems). Discover prospects’ motivations. What are their hot buttons? What’s important to them? Why are they selling? Where are they moving to? What are their biggest concerns? What’s an acceptable price? Have they ever listed the property before, and if so, why didn’t it sell?
I – Insist on painting a picture of what the future looks like with you at their side. Once you fully understand their motivations, show it by telling them the story of what you’ll do to help them solve their problem. People love to imagine their future. Telling a story breathes life into your listing presentation. Show them that story of the future and what specifically will happen. Show them your home-selling strategy and why it makes sense specifically for them based on what you’ve learned. Customizing your story to match their problems and motivations is vital here. The more they feel like you’re tackling their problem, the better.
S – Share your numbers and statistical proof you can deliver the services they need. In step two, you got prospects emotionally involved. Now it’s time to get them intellectually involved with the proof. Prove the future you’ve painted is achievable with facts and evidence. Stories stir emotions; statistics stir confidence. Compare your personal stats to the MLS numbers and make your case. Are you selling faster with fewer days on market? Are your homes selling for a greater percentage of the asking price? Your marketing will bring more people and drive up the price. It’s not about what they are going to pay you but about how much they will walk away with. If your stats aren’t up to par (yet), then use your company’s numbers. And don’t forget past client testimonials – they’re powerful, and they work.
T – Tell everyone about your successes. Success begets success. When you get a listing in your farm area, let everyone there (and I mean everyone) know about it. This is not a profession for the modest. You have the skills and knowledge to solve sellers’ problems. The more people who know this, the better your future will look.