Private Equity Directory – What to Watch Out For

In accessing a private equity directory, there are many key aspects to both look for and to expect within a high quality resource. The following is a detailed analysis of what to watch out for when choosing or researching potential directories.

The initial step is to assess the amount of listings provided within the PE resource. A buyout directory provides key information on numerous firms; consequently, by being provided a vast amount of buyout firm listings you are able to not only save time trying to find those same listings but gain the ability to focus your resources on following leads to increase productivity. Additionally, the provided firm listings allow you to raise capital faster, expand your press release/newsletter reach, and schedule more meetings with potential prospects. Professional buyout directories and resources provide upwards of 1,000 individual firms and index information.

The final and most important thing to watch out for in choosing a PE database is the depth of content provided within the directory. At this stage, it is easy to assess the quality of the database by viewing the amount and extent of the provided private equity firm details.

A top of the line, professional buyout firm directory should include the following details within a user friendly based operating system such as Excel. The most basic information provided, should include the physical mailing address, office phone number, office fax number, and website address. Secondly, in order to focus your business approach to the listings, it essential to be provided with the assets under management (AUM) for each of the listed PE firms. In addition to this information, high end databases include the names of principals and executives followed by their personal office phone numbers, personal cell phone numbers and personal e-mail address. The names and contacts provided, allow your team to focus on cultivating relationships with high net worth firms and utilize your time more effectively and efficiently. All of the points previously mentioned, are key insights into to how to choose the right directory and what to watch out for when purchasing a private equity resource.

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