Grams: DarkNetMarkets Search Engine

Grams: DarkNetMarkets Search Engine

Edit 3.5.14:  An interview with the Grams Search Engine Admin

This privacy-minded search engine is a development the dark net community was anticipating for a long time. Grams is a service that offers a way to search for products across different dark net marketplaces. They are currently indexing products from markets, more will be added soon. The service is currently in Alpha release, as noted by Grams’ administrator: “Grams is in alpha mode, meaning we are just getting started. We would love your input on features to add or take away. Please don’t be too harsh this is not a finished product.”

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The Reddit introduction post can be found here

Want to save time searching the Dark Net markets?

General info from the FAQ:

Which markets do Grams search?

Right now we are searching Agora, Pandora, and Silk Road 2… but it only took us a week to get these integrated in to the site. We will be adding more in the coming weeks

How does it search?

We are working now to evolve our algorithm. As of now it just searches by keywords in title and descriptions. We are planning to add a lot more very soon. See the next question

Why don’t you make it do this?

We are working on many new features. We will be adding a lot of other information in to the search algorithm. There will be a scoring system based on keywords, number of transaction, good reviews, and number of click from our site. Based on all that we hope to return the best results possible. Later down the line we will be adding a sort feature to sort by price, country, and market.

How often do you index the markets?

We search for new listings once a day. We update current listings every 3 days

Search engine home:


grams search engine

Search engine results page:

grams SERP

Grams plans to run from advertisements which will pay for ongoing security and development costs, we wish the creators all the best and we hope to see this service develop into a fully functional search engine that indexes listings in from all the existing marketplaces. This can not only save people time, it could also improve safety.

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