Justice prevails, so do the judiciary. The whole world, from the primitive to the contemporary time hailed for justice and made a significant victory each time to get this. If we go through the perfect meaning of the word “Justice”. The Oxford dictionary defines it as a quality of being just and fair. Justice incorporates a fair world, which retains on the fairness of the individual and the society. It would be a jeopardise if we consider the fair window of a single person and lay unfairness to the society or any institution. That’s when the need of compromise came out to be active. But does this compromising element demean the interest of a single party or entity.
Justice prevail when truth purges. Do this sect of justice taking truth as it’s armour always potentialized? No, even if the summoned, convicted or accused who present in the court trying to get out of the crime and the victim, who is on the verge of making them kneel on the “socially just and fair room” i.e. the court. The charges levied are afterwards withdrawn, and the convicted used to give a devilish raunchy look with smile to the victim in order of winning a false war out of treachery. The victim afterwards feels alienated from this society, as the pinnacle of law-binders has made him a law-abiding citizen for future. And the person ends up with mental depression, suicide or that pathetic dilemma which abrupts the upcoming life of the individual. But still, justice in the court possess a certain truth that makes people say, also in today’s life to challenge the opposition, “see you in the court”. This proves their plunging mind to avail justice through the way of truth. Justice will retain its meaning and power when it is not aligned with the terms like commercialisation, discrimination etc. Equal punishment with equal height of crime must be enabled. This also brings the term ‘proletariat’ to change its meaning. Because justice never calculates the level of the people, it propagates only with the level of truthness that is underlying in a case. Moreover, justice imparts the possibility of an individual living in the society, to accentuate and gain power over his personal freedom, rights etc.
Justice must be like a diminuendo in practice for both the bourgeois and the lower class. Then, it will be equally possible, that the day is not so far when a bourgeois or lower community will not feel hesitant enough to say, “see you in the court”. When this practice will sustain, the third foundation of democracy will also find and celebrate its discovery of the original just and fair decision making definition, to be a true one.