Sharing Your Investing Experience & Gaining a Newfound Power

In today’s society, the average investor has the ability to access more information, garner more knowledge and acquire more analytic research than ever before. This fact has endowed investors with a newfound power and speed over which they can make their important decisions. However, as history has proven time and again, the true power is not in the individual alone, but in a community of individuals. This article asserts that by becoming a part of an investing community such as an investing club would dramatically increase a single investor’s aptitude for making good decisions. The reasoning behind this of which is simple. Technology today allows anyone with access to a computer to go on, gather, and then share information with whomever they wish. In the case of investing, a single investor could fare much better if he or she could get a feel for how the community feels about the market or a certain company before the final decision is made. Additionally the investor may be able to contribute or find out bits or chunks of information that only specific people could know but prior to today had no real outlet.

Sites like and Twitter have put social media on the map, and made it loud and clear that our society, for the most part, has the desire to share what they know, what they like, and what they support. In regards to the two sites mentioned the information shared, as we have all discovered, could be anything from general more obvious information to specific information that only that specific individual could have provided. Now think for a second, what if there were a place where investors could go on and post about their knowledge of a particular publicly traded company, or provide a link to an article that they deem relevant or helpful. An online service that finally provided a platform for the average investor to share their knowledge and their investing experience could be incredibly advantageous. It would be an invaluable tool, especially when one considers the fact that in today’s world of advanced technology the role of the masses is evermore influential on the markets. Any particular stock can swing up or down because of a shift in the mood of those who make up the lifeblood of the market.

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