Investment banking can be a very useful tool for generating needed funding for expansion. Such firms can help you create your value proposition and tailor your bid for funding to really align with potential investors.
1. Determine How Much Capital You Need to Raise. In determining how much capital you need, you are able to ascertain what type of investment banking firm would be a good match (e.g. middle market, or larger).
3. Reputation. Do your research on the firm you use. The stability of the firm is important.
4. Keeping to your vision. Talk to other clients of the firm and find out if the firm really listened to and understood and acknowledged where the client was looking to take their company. Or did they require that the client alter their expansion plans, not really listening and truly understanding the value of the original expansion plans.
5. Biggest is not Necessarily the Best. Some investment banking institutions established their name in the market long ago, but it doesn’t mean they are the best. Shop around and find the firm that really listens and has the track record to really deliver what is needed and wanted. In fact, the really good firms can not only help you obtain the funding you need, they can also help you strengthen your business.
6. Fees. Again, shop around. Fees can vary from firm to firm. Do your best to gauge what you will be able to get back based on what you put in.
Another thing to keep in mind is that whether you are looking for Chicago investment banking, or elsewhere, the right firm may be local or not. Good firms are willing and able to help clients whether they are local or not.