Using Energy-Efficient Motors For Improved Productivity

Electric motors play a pivotal role in any industry. Research indicates that as much as 70% of all-electric energy used is being consumed by the electric motors. Therefore, if you want to increase productivity and reduce your operating costs, you need to buy energy-efficient motors.

These motors are designed be 2% to 8% more efficient than the standard motors. This will directly help you in achieving higher production at lower electric consumption and result in cost saving. Crompton Greaves has largely benefitted by using these motors.

The secret to the increased efficiency lies in the design of the motor. The motor is designed using increased copper content in the windings, high quality steel and super fine stator laminations to curtail electrical losses. High quality bearings and state of the art cooling fan help in increasing the efficiency of these motors.

Using energy-efficient motors will give you higher productivity, lower electricity bills and thus improve your bottom line. Since these motors save power, it also reduces pollution and as such is a step in the direction of green movement.

So, how do you know that the motor you are using is energy-efficient?

According to the directives issued by the European Commission, it is mandatory to use IE2 motors post Jun 2011.

‘IE’ stands for International Efficiency. IE2 means international efficiency class 2. This standard has been introduced with the intent to unify the energy efficiency standards globally. Also, it lays down standardized procedures for measurement, process and labeling standards.

Often consumers believe that EFF1 and IE2 motors are one and the same. However, that is not the case. Both adopt different standards for measurement.

Since IE2 is a globally accepted standard and is mandatory in the EU nations, you may want to get the IE2 rating for your motors. For that, you will have to get your motor retested. So, if you have export orders in the EU countries, it is compulsory that the electric goods you export are equipped with the IE2 ratings motor till 2015.

Apart from the government regulations, these motors have several other advantages:

  • Long lasting insulation and bearing
  • More tolerant to phase imbalances
  • Do not trip easily with overload during peak times
  • Generates lesser heat
  • Are sturdier
  • Do not trip easily
  • Have longer life

Owing to increased efficiency, lower power consumption and increased productivity, the payback period for your new IE2 motor could be just about a year!

So the next time you want to new electric equipments or are considering to rewind your old motor, make sure you check the energy-efficient rating of your motor.

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