Why Do You Need to Invest?

With high inflation, we need to take control of our finance and plan for our futures nowadays. Living within one means reduce the risk of debt but is it sufficient to secure your future? Why do we need to be financially free and have financial control?

We need to invest to build up a source of income, which will continue to grow and be able to provide a secure future for ourselves and possibly our next generation.

The reasons to invest include:

1. Let your money work for you: Learn to save money and invest the rest so that it grows even when you are sleeping. 
2. Cope with inflation: If you have wise investment that surpasses the inflation rate, you have a sound future finances. You have no worries of the prices of dairy expenses. 
3. Business owner: Business needs to invest, whether small or big small sized business. Investing not only grow the capital and expand the business but also teaches one to become a successful businessman. 
4. Dependents: Money generated from investment can help to pay bills, buy accessories and pay expenses for holidays. 
5. Education: Education fee is increasing with inflation. Investing in an education plan helps to support someone’s studies. 
6. Assurance: By making long term investment, you can be assured of sufficient money if you plan to retire. Start investing young and you can have a higher return before you retire. 
7. Attaining things you want: The returns from investment can be used to get those things that you dream off, such as cars, houses, etc.

Investment return has to be a source of money unrelated to our regular wages, but money from income producing assets. We have to invest in income producing assets so that they will grow and we can be financially independent.

The investment risk level that you take depends on your needs. If you are interested to make fast money, you would be interested in investment which involves high risk. If your plan is for retirement, you would prefer something that is safer and can grow over time.

The main objective in investing is to create wealth and security with time. It is always impossible to earn an income as one will want to retire. Hence, smart investment helps to insure your financial future. The earlier you gain the investment knowledge, the more successful you will be. Longer time in investment means higher return and you can retire earlier.

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