Characteristics and Traits of a Good Leader

You do not lead by hitting people over the head-that’s assault, not leadership.”-Dwight D. Eisenhower

Characteristics and Traits of a True Leader

As entrepreneurs we have all known at least one person who made a huge impression on us with their leadership abilities. If you were asked to list the characteristics that made this person an excellent leader, what traits would you include? We think you will agree that the traits listed below are possessed by all good leaders:

Five Traits Leaders Possess

Self Awareness– A leader knows himself. He understands his strengths and weakness and has learned to use them to his advantage. True leaders have been humbled by personal experiences which have made them wiser and more well-equipped to lead others.

Understanding of Human Nature– Dynamic leaders have a deep understanding of what makes people tick. They use this ability to motivate others, finding the right way to use the people who work for them in their most effective capacity.

Integrity– Real leaders realize that character means everything if they are to be respected. Honesty is of utmost importance to them, and they will not forsake their integrity for anything. They treat people with respect, act nobly, and thus inspire respect in others.

Enthusiasm– True enthusiasm cannot be faked, and if you are infected by the enthusiasm of a good leader, failure is rarely in the cards. When you are motivated by the genuine enthusiasm of someone with a vision, magic often happens. Excellent leaders possess enthusiasm in spades, and they truly feel it in their core. It passes on to their employees and/or team.

Knowledge– You might think this trait should be the first on the list, but without the other four all the knowledge in the world won’t make a good leader. However, it is a given that a good leader knows his business, inside and out. They are the go-to person when it comes to understanding the job or project. You can trust his knowledge.

Of course there are many other traits leaders possess, but this list we consider the most important. Can a person be a leader without these five traits? Possibly, but who would want to work for them? A leader can make business life heaven or hell. The leaders who possess the traits in our list almost always make life a success heaven.

Hopefully this lists of traits will help you become a leader, or if you are already in a leadership role, become a better one!

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