How Are Businesses Using 3D Printing?

What is 3D printing?

3D printing is a way to create 3D objects from digital models and have their real-life feel. At present, printers are really slow and limited. Neither are they accurate to the core. In comparison to them, 3D printers are cheaper, more effective and more precise. Nevertheless, they currently only use silicon or other metal types to manufacture things.

3D printing came into the picture in 1986, though the same could gain some momentum by the 1990s only. Earlier, the concept was merely popular among the manufacturing, architecture and engineering industries. However, it is only since a few years that it made its way through the field of design and marketing as well as other business arenas.

Let’s see how businesses make the most of this stupefying technology.

1. Complex 3D Structures

Varied manufacturing companies have brought into use the 3D technology, with the only reason being it lets them create complex structures starting from scratch. Years back, they needed to employ cutting and moulding equipment just to build new objects or shapes. Now, 3D printing has made it easier a task to fabricate real objects (in terms of touch and feel) from CAD (computer-aided design) or animation modeling.

2. Customization

While it was a real big deal to customize anything once manufactured or produced using a complex process, 3D printing technology has made it a piece of cake for different companies. In fact, mass customization is a special feature of this incredible technology. What it indicates is that manufacturers or designers at one fell swoop can create a wide range of products as per the exact requirements of customers sans incurring any additional cost.

3. Complexity of objects

Varied products designed using CAD or other software could simply not be turned physical to get a real feel, only because of their high complexity level. With the introduction of the spectacular 3D printing technology, it has become plausible for companies to bring varied products designed on computer to life. Especially, the aerospace sector is making the best use of this advancement in printing technology, which was truly required.

4. Cost-saving and Fast-Processing

Ever since 3D printing came into the picture, companies have been able to save a lot in terms of cost. The reason being they require lesser manpower, with affordable, high quality raw material and reduced packaging and transportation expenses. What’s more, 3D printing provides for quick production over the conventional printing techniques. The former takes not more than a few hours to fabricate objects in 3D.

Succinctly, the technology has turned out to be a money-spinning resource for businesses in varied industries.

The future of 3D printing

3D printing appears to have a truly proliferating future. A gigantic number of industries seem to be ready to invest in this advanced printing technique. Besides, the technique – an essential part of the rapid prototyping business, shows great potential for numerous applications, be it army weapon creation, or development of essential parts by NASA in space.

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