Most businesses could lower their energy consumption levels by at least 10% with the help of some low – and sometimes no – cost actions, resulting in quick returns.
According to research by the Carbon Trust “63% of companies say that they are now taking action to reduce energy use in their operations” – is your company part of this? Here are some simple steps your office can adopt with regards to heating which can help to lower energy consumption.
Half the energy consumed in an office environment tends to be heating, making it an important area to target when trying to cut energy consumption and save money. Research from the Carbon Trust found that “heating costs rise by about 8% for every 1°C of overheating”. Key areas to address when looking at heating include:
Are portable heaters being used?
Portable heaters are expensive to run and are often left on unnecessarily. If they need to be used, consider installing a timer switch so they turn off after a set period of time, for example half an hour.
Are heaters and air conditioning units operating at the same time within a space? Are windows open too?
It may sound like common sense, but you would be surprised how frequently this happens, and how much energy is wasted as a result.
Are heaters and/or boilers regularly serviced?
Ensuring that heaters and boilers are maintained on an annual basis will help to avoid an increase in cost of at least 30%. This can happen if a heater or boiler is poorly maintained.
Are thermostats set correctly?
Ideally, thermostats should be set to 19-20°C in an office environment. Ensure that time controls are set so that heating comes on only when needed, by using a seven-day timer system.
Use promotional material to encourage staff to help save energy
Posters and stickers can be dotted around the office and communal areas to encourage staff to save energy, for example switching the lights off when you’re the last person to leave a room.
Consider switching to a heating oil system
Switching from gas central heating to a heating oil system will save money on energy bills. Oil is an efficient energy source.
Suppliers tend to offer a range of payment options to best suit your business, to make managing your fuel supply as simple as possible. Search online for the best heating oil suppliers.
Another interesting statistic from the Carbon Trust’s research is that “a 20% cut in energy costs represents the same bottom line benefit as a 5% increase in sales in many businesses”, so why are you waiting? Start making energy savings in your workplace now.