Investment Advice – Recognising When You May Need Specialist Assistance and When to Trust Yourself

The reality is that you will need the assistance of others to achieve many of your desired goals in life. It is important that you are able to identify what your strengths and weaknesses are and recognise where you need to bring in specialists.

Being successful in investing requires a lot of different skills. It is not possible for you to be good at every required skill. But that is OK. What you need around you is a team of people that together bring all the essential skills.

Many specialists play a role in investing and if you do not have the skills and knowledge in these particular areas, you may need one of the following specialists on your team: Finance Broker, Solicitor, Accountant, Quantity Surveyor, Property Manager, Real Estate Agent, Building and Pest Inspector and a Financial Planner.

I also believe you need to be self-educated in many areas.

So how much education do you need in an area if you are going to use a specialist?

I believe you need enough self-education to know the right questions to ask of a specialist. A common phrase is ‘I don’t know what I don’t know’. Find out what you need to know. My experience tells me that people only tend to tell me what I ask. So, if I don’t ask the question, then I don’t get the answer.

One of my greatest frustrations with specialists has been that later I have found out I should have done something in a particular way. I would have then said to my advisor, why didn’t you tell me that? They respond, you didn’t ask, or I could have told you that. Aarrgg! I didn’t know to ask. I don’t know what I don’t know. Aren’t I paying you to give me the information I need to know? I have come to you for information, not just to answer my question. So I only get the answer if I ask a question, and I don’t know the right questions to ask.

Unfortunately this has been my reality in many circumstances. It is risky to rely on others to give you the information you need. You need to take responsibility. Get self-educated enough to know what questions you need to know. Then go to a professional to answer them. Then you are not relying on them. You are informed and knowledgeable.

Many people have suffered from relying on other people’s opinions or advice because they were not sufficiently educated to make the decision themselves.

One of the critical things I believe everyone needs in their team is EDUCATION. You can never stop learning. Your education does not stop when you finish school or university. This is only your formal education. Your informal education should last a lifetime.

How can you get educated on investing? There are many ways; here are just a few ideas:

– Subscribe to a magazine relating to your area of interest. There are many good general investment, share and property investment magazines on the market. 
– The power of subscribing is that it ensures you get the magazine every month, for example. You may intend to purchase a property investment magazine this month, but never get around to buying it. Subscriptions are delivered to your door every month. This means your knowledge is being developed every month. 
– Become a member of your local council library. Borrowing resources from a library is good as you have to take the resource back within a given period of time. Having a deadline to return the resource should keep you focused on reading or listening to it. 
– Read autobiographies of people who have achieved the sort of results you are looking for. Many have shared the steps they have taken to achieve their results.

One of the greatest educations you will receive is taking action. There is no better way to learn. Will you get it right the first time? Unlikely. Will you learn a lot from your mistakes? Yes!

My husband and I have made mistake upon mistake with our property investments, and we used the professionals along the way. However, property investment has been very forgiving to us. Even though we have made many mistakes, our wealth has still grown and we are in a much better situation than if we had done nothing at all.

But by getting in there and taking action we are learning. Over time and by experience we have worked out our own investment strategy that will eventually enable us to live our Primary Aim.

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