Organizing International Conference

Organizing conference can be quite a task for a first timer. When expectations are high and experience is low, keeping the self-confidence high while putting up a fight to give the best is sometimes tough. Here are ten basic steps which can help you sail through smoothly while remaining anchored.

  1. Set up a basic organizing unit
  2. Search the main theme/topic
  3. Select a Professional Conference Organizer
  4. Study all Potential Financial Issues
  5. Choose the right date and venue
  6. Prepare for Emergencies
  7. Design your logo and print your letter head
  8. Early promotion planning and early sponsorship planning
  9. Take the first step towards planning your Commercial Exhibition
  10. Set timetables with respect to timelines

Set up a basic organizing unit:

This is the local organizing committee. We can do this by remaining organized throughout the event and increase the efficiency. Effort must be made to keep this basic organizing unit as small as possible. It must have the following members:

  • Chairman
  • Secretary-General
  • Chairperson of the Scientific Committee
  • Treasurer and Exhibition Committee
  • Social Events Committee

This is established couple of years prior to the conference and it works with the PCO (Professional Conference Organizer).

Search the main theme and topic:

Mostly the main theme and agenda are provided by the international organization which is getting the conference conducted. However, while suggesting or revising the topics, make sure the approach is futuristic. The conference will take place 2-3 years later, and so the topic chosen must remain new and relevant till then.

Keep the subject precise, this will make it interesting and valuable, as against the scattered subject, which can incline drifting from the main subject and create confusions.

PCO (Professional Conference Organizer):

This is an expert in planning and execution of conference. This individual will draw out the necessities and share the expertise in advance planning. PCO will help you obtain and save more money in the long run. It is important to check the experience of the PCO before signing the contract as this will impact your reputation at an international level.

Study All Potential Financial Issues:

Other than the registration fees, sponsors are the main source of money and to engage them, a letter needs to be written indicating the benefits they might have if they sponsor the event. This letter must also indicate how the money will be spent. These sponsors should be the ones which are directly related to the topic of the conference.

Keep a clear understanding of the registration cost of the venue and the parking rentals.

Keep clear estimations of the cost and number of participants and attendees.

Estimate the cost of meals and coffee and staff.

Other costs like travel fellowship, publication of journals, awards, insurance must be estimated.

Choose the right date and venue:

The conference should be held when no other conference of the same subject is scheduled, so as to maintain the value and uniqueness of your conference.

Prepare for emergencies:

Prepare for uncertainties. Keep all the arrangements set for emergencies and evacuation.

For individual emergencies make sure all the attendees are always reachable. Provide an emergency number to the families of all the participants.

Design Logo and Print Letter Head:

This is important as the stationary for the conference needs to be printed. This helps in brand recognition as well as leaves a good impact on partners and sponsors.

Early Promotion, Planning and Sponsorship:

Keep the researched material for promotional aids ready like a list of advertisers, creative, participants, sponsors and audience etc.

Approaching sponsors in advance will help you aggrandize your letter-head with their logo to enhance the impact.

Set timetables:

This is important to book conference halls in advance, plan fellowship tours, length of the conference and plan papers and giving timelines to speakers.

Plan a Commercial Conference:

Plan the event according to trend. To catch the attention of the professionals conduct a commercial exhibition of the latest developments of the industry.

It generates income.

It increases the participation from across the globe.

It adds to the atmosphere of the conference and sets the mood and leaves a lasting impact.

These steps will lead to a hassle free management of organizing the conference.

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