San Antonio Man Begins Federal Trial over World’s Largest Child Porn Site

Posted by: Anonymous December 13, 2018 in Featured, News Updates 2 Comments

A San Antonio man is set to begin a federal trial on Monday. The man was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in an investigation that linked him to what was termed as the world’s largest child pornography website hosted on the dark web.

Andrew Weathers Morgan of Seguin, San Antonio, along with several others, was arrested by the FBI in a dark web investigation for operating and running a child pornography site on the encrypted network. The dark web pornography site called ‘Playpen’ was shut down by the FBI in 2015, after they secretly took full control of the website to monitor and identify its workers and visitors. The takeover was successful after the FBI created an identical site and then, within a short time, shut the former down and brought their copy online without raising suspicion.

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Morgan is facing charges of receiving, filming, and illegally possessing child pornography and indecent images of children as well as operating a child pornographic platform on the dark web. In defense during a pretrial conference, his lawyer, on Monday, said his client had admitted to the claims but had a genuine reason which the court would hear.

In an authorized search conducted at the suspect’s house which he shared with two juveniles and his girlfriend, now wife, the FBI seized a computer which has now formed part of the evidence. Speaking on the issue, Andrew admitted to watching and championing child pornography, saying it was due to the tempting popups and ads on his computer as a result of a computer virus.

He also admitted to using the seized dell computer to access child pornography and explicit content on the Playpen dark web forum. However, he denied allegations of operating and running Playpen.

Tracy Thompson, the U.S. Assistant Attorney, told the jury that the FBI had succeeded in gathering both electronic and circumstantial evidence to incriminate the suspect. “He told the FBI agents that he had been a porn addict and has been accessing child pornography for years,” said Thompson, “The investigating agents will testify in details what the suspect had to say in one of the interrogations on how he has a strong appetite for prepubescent boys and girls, especially for child porn production and naked images and interested particularly in bestiality and incest.”

During the interrogation, Andrew had told the FBI agents to check for self-produced child pornography in a folder under his password-protected account with the name ‘Zelda,’ the name of a known children’s video game. The Agents found thousands of indecent images of children, pornography, and bestiality.

“What is evident is that the accused has been struggling with sex addiction especially toward children since his early age at around 18 and 19 years,” Thompson said, “You will all hear how far his urge to act on children and to access child explicit content as gone. You will also hear about sexual fantasies he has had on particular children and how he dealt with them.”

David K. Sergi, Morgan’s lead lawyer, disagreed strongly saying it was not Morgan who accessed child pornography on the seized computer.

“From the defense, you will hear precisely why my client confessed falsely. The explanation to that is straightforward,” Sergi told the jury. “Yes, it looks stupid from your position, but the court will hear why he was compelled to admitting to whatever accusations you brought up,” he argued.

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