There is no doubt that tax lien properties is a worthwhile investment. One way to gain profit is through rental income that these properties can have. However, you need to bear in mind that there are costs to be incurred with these type of investment.
Fixed Costs for Rental Properties
The following are expected expenses by tenants when they rent properties:
1. Electric and gas
2. Telephone
3. Internet
4. Cable
There utilities are anticipated ones to be used by the tenants and are for their account in most cases. Tax lien properties should have these utilities available in order for the rental property to be attractive to interested parties.
Tax lien property owners normally pay for the costs of:
1. Water
2. Sewer
3. Trash collection
Real estate taxes are yearly obligations is always paid for by the property owner. Repairs and maintenance expense for the upkeep of the property is also an expense to be expected. If the property has a lawn or grounds then this should be maintained to include sprinkler systems to assure that the grass and other plants will have sufficient water especially during summer. Structural and plumbing repairs and maintenance is another anticipated expense.
When the property is vacant, all costs for utilities and other expenses will be supported by the property owner.
Determining Return of Investment from the Tax Lien Property
In determining how much rental the tax lien property would generate, be mindful of the fixed costs mentioned in the proceeding section. Consider the period when the property did not have a tenant and how much has been spent. To derive profit numbers, decide on the appropriate rental amount and deduct all expenses both incurred and anticipated. Another factor to take into account is how long the property should be rented out. The longer the property will be rented, the more advantageous it s for the property owner. Being aware of these factors should generate a fair rental rate and an idea of how much the return of investment would be.
Tax lien investing is a great way to make money but the investor should know how to manage the investment. It is not profitable to blindly decide on the rental rate without doing research. There are factors to consider on how much and how long the contract would be to get the most return of investment. A good investor considers everything.